India today reached a milestone when PM Dr. Manmohan Singh and his wife Madam Gursharan Kaur launched the country's first indigenous nuclear-powered submarine 'INS Arihant' for sea trials for two years before being commissioned into full service. With the launch of the submarine India join's the exclusive club of US, Russia, China, France and the UK with similar capabilities.
INS Arihant has been built under the Advanced Technology Vessels (ATV) program by the Shipbuilding Centre (SBC) Visakhapatnam. This is tremendous achievement... to see the fruitful culmination of efforts over the last two decades.
It gives me a great feeling...immense pride for having been associated with this prestigious project... Recalling those days of numerous technical discussions, solution architecting, countless interactions amongst all involved on technology aspects from CAD/CAM/CAE to Universal Virtual Prototyping, from PLM to use of Digital Mock-Up and Virtual Reality technology, to systems, network, workflows...
It was great being part of the team and at the forefront of having provided technology solutions for ATV Project.
INS Arihant has been built under the Advanced Technology Vessels (ATV) program by the Shipbuilding Centre (SBC) Visakhapatnam. This is tremendous achievement... to see the fruitful culmination of efforts over the last two decades.
It gives me a great feeling...immense pride for having been associated with this prestigious project... Recalling those days of numerous technical discussions, solution architecting, countless interactions amongst all involved on technology aspects from CAD/CAM/CAE to Universal Virtual Prototyping, from PLM to use of Digital Mock-Up and Virtual Reality technology, to systems, network, workflows...
It was great being part of the team and at the forefront of having provided technology solutions for ATV Project.
Great feeling to have contributed....